Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I love music. I can't compose it, write it or perform it, but I am a great consumer. I appreciate lyrics. I am thrilled by the skill that it takes to master an instrument. I love how a really good song can get right under my skin and send crackling ideas through my brain.

I've listed some of the music that has had such an effect on me on this blog before. My Mix Tape entries are a taste of some of those songs I can listen to daily without tiring of them. But my mix tape needs to grow and it can only do that if I find new music.

I'm inviting you to share your favourite songs. I want to know about the music that lifts your heart, raises your spirits, puts a smile on your face and makes you feel invincible.

Post your own mix tape contributions below or on my Facebook page or send me a tweet @faunawolf on twitter.

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