I realise that I have a pretty expansive artist's pallet. I dabble in sculpting, painting and costume design. This might seem a bit much and I've been told time and again that I should 'specialize', which I balked at initially. I figured, if I can do it all, why not? But I keep an open mind and am always prepared for change and the lessons we learn as we explore our talents and abilities.
I've come to a very interesting realisation about my art and the things I'm truly passionate about versus the things that I can do well, but don't necessarily enjoy. I know I've got an eye for sculpting and perhaps in the right context, it might be something I'd pursue, but I don't really feel creative when I sculpt. I feel more technical about it. I think it's something I'd be better suited to teach people, than to use as a creative outlet.
When I paint, however, I feel like it's a true expression of myself and what I love to do. The exploration I did with painting has been ongoing and I've found myself really enjoying my Tarot card series. The initial one I did was years ago, as a gift for someone. It was the first time an idea I had for a painting actually looked how I'd imagined it would upon completion.
Over the next few years I did more, but they became an assembly line sort of project. I did them on smaller canvases since I couldn't afford the size I wanted and because I felt, if I did them on smaller ones, I could complete more. I was also doing them for someone else, which became difficult as I found myself disconnecting and I found my creative energy blocked by depression and anxiety.
After a series of what could have been devastating events, I woke up. I took control and I found myself with a new blank canvas, in the size I preferred. My first choice of card was The High Priestess.
This card was my choice for several reasons. My cat of 21 years had died the summer before I painted it, and I'd wanted to immortalize her in a painting ever since she'd left this mortal coil.
I wanted to do a tarot painting that was just for me.
I actually do read tarot cards and I find them beautiful and fascinating. They don't tell you anything you don't already know and the art in them is intricate, interesting and fun to study.
When doing Tarot readings, I often get The High Priestess. She represents wisdom, instinctual knowledge that helps us to make decisions and reveal the truth behind any situation, thought or idea. Generally it is representative of the Tarot Reader her or himself, so I suppose it makes sense that I identify so strongly with this card.
In painting it I looked at several different designs done by many others. I always go to classic decks first as they generally have the most basic symbols and seem to be a good starting point. In my depiction of the card I included symbols I felt were most important. She is cloaked in the night, shown with a scroll and cauldron. This represents her mysterious nature as well as her ability to just 'know'. She represents balance and understanding and has strong connections with the Earth. Instead of the traditional pillars I chose to do twisted, tall trees climbing on either side of her.
This was the
first card I painted in 2009. I have a very limited quantity of 16X24 inch prints available. I'm offering them at the special Holiday price of $50. To order contact me at