One of the most common complaints or excuses I hear about doing art as a living is with regards to commissions. Art is fun and great until there are requests and deadlines and then suddenly it feels rushed or it simply can't be done right.
I admit, when it comes to my writing, I don't like rules. I follow the rules of written English, of course, but limitations based on page length and deadlines for completion make me nervous and uncomfortable. I find my writing becomes stiff. It's not a route I like to take, which is why I will have to self-publish.
But my art is an entirely different matter. I have an advantage in that I prefer to create something for someone. Don't doubt that the work I do is of my own creation and imagination. I have done pieces just for me, but I really enjoy creating something with someone in mind. If they ask me for it, this means they like my style and even if I don't really know the person, I enjoy doing the research to make sure that their personality is captured in my work. It's fun for me, and easy, to create something with someone in mind. Of all my work, my favourite pieces are often those done for a friend or family member. One of my favourite accomplishments was a pair of custom shoes done for the brother of a friend. I'd never met him and only had his website (he makes guitars) to go on. The result was magnificent and I was told later that he was really happy with them.
I received a few commissions during my gallery showing and a few more following it. I found it amusing that those requesting them told me not to worry too much about getting them done quickly. They knew I was busy with my London plans and didn't want to add too much to my plate. Because I work so well with specifications and a narrowing of my ideas to a specific person, I am able to complete a commission in excellent time. I never feel the work is sloppy either, as my work is always done mindfully when it's created for someone. I can focus on what I'm doing in the moment and ultimately, the results are well received on both ends. I am proud of my work and happy that they are able to have a unique piece of mine that fits their personality and they are happy to have something created with them in mind, so they can say it was created with them in mind.
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