Thursday, July 28, 2011
Memory Lane - Kait's Mixtape
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The writer and the artist
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
One month!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Priorities and shifts
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Finding answers
Sunday, July 10, 2011
General goings-on
The year continues at its lickety split pace.
Everything seems to be falling into place so I’m not feeling terribly overwhelmed. As my gallery show approaches I feel like everything is coming together nicely, especially with the development of Barefoot providing the wine.
There are other little things cropping up and they too seem to be making themselves happen. A fellow artist here in London twigged me onto the Crazy Sexy Cool Show, a general showcase of various artists which will feature a pair of my custom sneakers.
At the end of April my animation, ‘Affinity’ screened at the Paris Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival. Apparently it was watched by one of the organising members of the Some Prefer Cake Film Festival in Bologna and now they too wish to have me send a copy for screening.
Then there’s the exhibition for Trees for Life up in Edinburgh, which both my partner and I have pieces in and it looks like we’ll be going up to attend.
I have to admit that it feels a bit surreal. I’ve not really done much beyond my usual blog updates and tweeting regularly. It’s incredible how, the less you cling to making something happen, the more likely it is to naturally occur.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Exciting Developments!

Monday, July 4, 2011
Devon and Sunny - Excerpt II
On Monday morning Sunny slid into her seat in homeroom early, turned to Devon and asked, “Why do you hate me?”
The classroom was empty except for the two of them. Devon always came in early to work on homework. He could never get anything done at home anymore. It was too loud. Things with his dad were getting worse.
“Huh?” Devon looked at Sunny blankly. He was really tired and had a lot of work to do. He didn’t have time for Sunny, who had been dubbed The Weird Witch by everyone else in the eighth grade. If she was the Weird Witch and he spent too much time with her he’d become the Total Loser Toto or worse, Dorothy Devon.
Sunny was on a mission though. She was fed up with Devon’s attempts to thwart her. Moving to Calgary had been a chance to reinvent herself and reinvent herself she would. She was going to be assertive and not take crap from anyone, especially some shy kid who obviously could use a friend as badly as her.
“” she spoke clearly, enunciating each word perfectly.
“I never said I did,” Devon looked away, unable to handle the way she tried to hold his eye contact.
“And you haven’t said you don’t. You act like a totally jerk.” Sunny pressed on.
“I’m not jerk!” said Devon with far more confidence than he felt, “I’m a loner.”
“Even loners need friends. Why are you so uninterested in being with people? You never talk to anyone. I’ve been trying to be your friend and the effort has been killing me,” despite her bravado, Sunny was actually quite afraid this might not work and she would lose her only chance of making a friend in this school.
“Well, maybe I just don’t want friends,” Devon felt how weak his argument was.
“Well that’s just great. Now I have no one to give this invitation to,” Sunny flashed the white envelope, her secret weapon and the thing she hoped would bait him.
“Invitation? For what?” Devon asked, unable to hide the curiousity from his voice.
“Nothing, it’s for a friend,” Sunny slid the envelope across her desk so Devon had to crane his neck to see it.
“But… you don’t have any friends, you said…”
Sunny blinked slowly, daring him to finish his sentence. Then she arched her pierced eyebrow and looked away.
“Oh,” Devon remained still. Then he looked away too and slowly the other students began to arrive and Mrs. Hoober came in and then Sunny slipped the envelope into her bag as she pulled out her binder and Devon couldn’t ask about it anymore.
The contents of this blog and all of it's creativity are copyright and property of Kaitlyn S. C. Hatch