Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sun

Outside the rain is pouring down. Thunder rumbles, rattling the window I sit next to when I paint. I have just completed the nineteenth card of the Tarot deck.

The Sun is traditionally depicted with the face of a lion and it was difficult for me to deviate from this as the basis of my cards is to choose animals to represent each one and a lion just seemed to fit. The meaning of the card is a glorious sense of contentment and good will. It is the bright, beautiful sun breaking through the clouds and filling our day with warmth, growth and happiness. Or, to look at it from a Buddhist perspective, this card represents enlightenment. It is clear consciousness of ourselves and the world around us, how everything is connected and the sense of well-being we have when we just let things be.
I have always been fond of bees and this is the first time I've incorporated an insect into one of my cards. I believe insects are as much a part of the animal world as anything I've painted before and their industrious nature and the fact that a bee knows it's purpose in life made them feel like a suitable choice The sunflower just fit as a symbol to represent the Sun itself.

I'm quite pleased with how this one has turned out. So much so that I have removed The Hierophant from its usual place on my wall so The Sun can hang there instead.

In four days time I will be taking three more of my cards to be imaged. I am at a loss because I can only afford to get three done but there are seven that need doing. So I extend a request to you, of the following seven cards, which would you most like to be able to purchase as a print, card or poster sooner rather than later?

The Sun


  1. I must say, useful information for users especailly for website designers.


  2. Thanks a lot once more for a lot of things.


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