Ten canvases arrived yesterday! Five of my standard 24X36 for my Tarot Cards and five of a smaller size, for a secret project I hope to start this weekend.
I also got new business cards.
About a year ago I made some fabulous business cards using photo paper and Microsoft Word. The idea was to have ten images of the work I do accompanied by my contact details. They were hugely popular and served me well. But as the last one went off in the hands of another fan, I knew it was time to get a new set with a different focus.
As my psychologist has been saying since I started living life as an artist: I need to specialise.
Well, my specialty is acrylic paint, most certainly. My three choice surfaces are canvas, canvas shoes or plaster cast masks I sculpt myself. My cards needed to reflect this but also needed to have all those fabulous details like my Facebook fan page, twitter account, blog and website, along with my email and name, of course.
Essentially it came down to needing two-sided cards...something I could produce myself but would be a lot less labour intensive to have someone else do. I searched around a bit and found that Moo was the best option.

Gotta say, hugely impressed with the result. It's lovely having a miniature portfolio in my pocket. I have yet to give out my first one but I'm going to the Science Museum of London tonight so we shall see who I meet. I also have plans of popping round to the National Portrait Gallery on Friday evening for their drop-in sketch class hosted by an artist. I'll have plenty of chances to network.
And speaking of sketches, here's 0ne of Kiki Smith:
Kiki Smith works in a variety of mediums, including fibre, screen printing, painting and sculpture. I can't say I'm entirely pleased with my sketch of her. The shadow in the photo I used was off-putting, but it was still fun to research her and get to know yet another hugely influential, strong woman that has contributed to shaping our world. I would like to explore her work further, especially as she plays with the strong connection between humans and animals. Being in London and with so many galleries at my fingertips, I'm sure I can track something of hers down.
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