Petra Kelly 1947 - 1992
Graphite on paper sketch KSCH 2010
Born 29th of November, 1947, Petra is one of the must influential women in the history of politics. She founded the Die Grunen, the German Green Party in 1979. Her

activism was honoured in 1982 as she was presented with the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Peace Prize).
In Barcelona there is a small tribute garden to
this incredible woman. Though it only consists of a small terracotta sculpture and a few plants, I think it's a beautiful and simple gesture that she would have appreciated. The key feature of the memorial garden is a cherry tree, which was her favourite tree. The inscription on the accompanying sculpture reads:
No hi ha un cami vers la pau
La pau es l'unic cami
(Peace is the only way)
Many thanks to M.A. for contributing the photo to the right.
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