One name, though, I took down because I had a question. Jeff Koons is known for doing extremely kitsch pop art. I perused his site, which was absolutely incredible (I especially like his giant balloon dog sculpture.) but didn't manage to come any closer to answering my question.
Thing was, when I walked into the Jeff Koons room I immediately noticed 'Winter Bears' because they instantly brought to mind Hidy and Howdy of the 1988 winter Olympics. Now, I was only three when the winter Olympics came to Calgary, but I have vague memories of it. I remember sitting in a stroller, being bundled up. I remember watching a parade or something similar. But most of all, I remember Hidy and Howdy because I was three and they were giant, fuzzy mascots.
'Winter Bears' was done in 1988. So the question is, did one inspire the other? Which was it? Who created Hidy and Howdy in the first place? Why 'Winter Bears' for the title when there is nothing particularly Wintry about them? Unless of course, it's because they are obviously Hidy and Howdy in slightly different apparel.

From what I could find out, International Mascot was the creators of the memorable duo. I'm guessing Koons saw them and was inspired, as he so often is, by the consumerism culture found in something so seemingly cute as a mascot. Most of his work is generic (Like the balloon dog), but I think there are obvious signs of reproduction of pre-existing characters (Like his mirror titled 'Donkey', which is most definitely Disney's Eeyore.)
Either way, I'm delighted by the way a piece of art can bring a memory sharply to the forefront of ones mind. I'll continue doing research because I think I will find a definitive answer to my question, that 'yes,' he was inspired by this relatively obscure set of mascots.
In the mean time I'm going to set about packing for Paris. The train leaves at stupid-o'clock in the morning. Arrival is set for sometime around lunch. The hotel is ready and waiting (And absolutely posh.) as is the Louvre, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower.
Hidy and Howdy definitely came first! They were around well before the Olympics came to Calgary to promote the games. I was in high school at the time and some of my classmates were mascots....and that would have been around 1984-85.
ReplyDeleteJeff Koons also tends to appropriate images and use them in his work (and he has been sued more than once!). Koons cracks me up and I've been following his antics for years - giving interviews in the third person, huge balloon animals and glass sculptures of him and his porn star ex-wife. I also love how he pisses off the established art world so much. Too much fun.