Saturday, May 7, 2011

Trees for Life

I do love trees.

2011 has been declared the international year of the forest and a Canadian artist living in Scotland has decided to put on an exhibition celebrating these magnificent plants. He's sent out a call to all artist via his blog and my partner picked up on it and forwarded me the details.

Today I sat outside, enjoying the warm May sunshine, and made this piece.
The text reads:
And so he sat under the tree and endeavoured to obtain enlightenment.

I'm really happy with the end result given that, when I started, I really had no idea what I was going to create. I usually have a pretty good idea of my work in my mind's eye, but this time there was nothing. Just the feeling of contentedness I have when sat beneath a tree or up in its branches. I love the feel of their bark beneath my hands, the gnarled roots below, the canopy of green above. I hope I captured that feeling with this.

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