Sunday, December 26, 2010


I really do enjoy painting shoes. I don't know what it is about them but from the conception of the design to the finished project, when I'm working on a pair it's almost impossible for me to think of anything else.

In the case of this pair it was a great advantage. I only managed to purchase them on Wednesday and I figured, between all the museum visits and other plans with my parents plus my day job and preparations for Christmas, I'd not have time to start them, let alone complete them. But on Christmas Eve, once all the food was sorted and the house was tidy, I found a window of just enough time to get them painted, photographed, wrapped and under the tree!

I'm utterly chuffed with the design, which I've titled 'Spitfire'. I love that the pair of shoes I purchased just happen to be shaped like the wings of their name-sake design, making the pattern I chose to do suitable for the tongue.

One of the most satisfying pieces of art I've ever done.

..and one of the most satisfying gifts I've ever given.

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