Monday, July 29, 2013

Facebook Timelines!

I've been really busy with a multitude of clients recently. It's fun because there's a diversity to the work I'm doing. A few logos here, some print layouts there and a bit of Social Media marketing design!

Because Facebook and Twitter tend to update their interface pretty regularly, it's not always easy staying on top of it and ensuring that the look and feel of your page fits the new options available. I'm happy to say, though, Facebook seems to have ironed out the kinks of the Timeline since it was introduced last year.

I love integrated timeline images and there are still a few hic-ups in that the way my timeline looks on a phone is very different from how it looks on my computer - but for the moment I'm really pleased with my own Faunawolf Creations page.

I also have a very happy client who now has a selection of Timeline and integrated profile pictures to choose from for their own page and working with them on it was super fun for me.

If you fancy a customised Facebook Timeline toodle on over to my website to get in touch.

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