Each of us has a map of the world. Each map is as unique as we are because how we view it is entirely down to the experiences we've had, the life we've lived, and the beliefs we hold. Some people have huge maps, stretching out so far that they can't ever see the entire thing at once. Other people, however, have very tiny maps. Small things which show very little and offer few choices.
There is an analogy used in Buddhist teachings for how we limit ourselves. When you have a small map (you have a closed mind, you live in fear of change, you feel that you don't have any choices, you've made up your mind about something) it's like looking at the sky through a straw. You look at the sky through a small tube and see only a tiny circle of it. This circle might be blue but it's not difficult for a cloud to come along and the circle of sky becomes blocked. It might be a rain cloud and then that tiny patch of sky looks grey. Perhaps it's frightening, perhaps it's dull. Either way, our view is so limited that all we can see is that single, narrow point.
Whether we stick to our small map or keep looking through that single straw is our choice. The size of our world, the options available to us, are limited only be our own beliefs. If you make up your mind about something you might just be folding up a corner of your map, hiding it away. When you change your mind about something, let go of an idea or opinion, you are unfolding a corner of the map you may never have realised was there.
This sounds lovely, I know, but it's not easy. It's not meant to be easy. It's not meant to be impossible either. It's a challenge and it's your choice if you're going to take on the challenge. Your choice as to whether or not you want to keep looking through that tiny straw or if you want to take it away.
Having a map that stretches off further than we can see can be frightening, but it's also incredibly liberating. Think, if you had all the options in the world, if you had an infinite number of choices available to you, what would your life be like? Who would you be? Where would you go? What would you do?
Another idea is that you shut yourself in boxes. "I can't do that because I don't have the skills" "I can't do that because I don't have the money" - nearly all the boxes have some negative connotation with them.
ReplyDeleteI think I keep saying "I can't be self employed because......" but most of the time it boils down to fear. If I cut out all the TV I watch and stop surfing FB or Twitter when I should be writing my website then it soon adds up that I do have the time I just need to be more disciplined to get to the goal.
Totally! And it's also about being gentle with yourself. Discipline - not negative reinforcement. Don't punish yourself or you'll feel like the work you're doing to be self employed is a chore. It's about changing the way you think to see the work you do as rewarding.
DeleteI so agree! I spent a lot of my life looking through the straw. I'm not sure that I see the whole sky yet, but I'm working on it.
ReplyDeleteThat's the thing. Sometimes we are able to see the whole sky easily but in other situations not so much. The important thing is an awareness of those limited beliefs.