Occasionally I will get an e-mail or comment from someone who reads my Blog asking if it's O.K. that they read it. Generally I'm just amazed and pleased by the breadth of readers I apparently have. I also appreciate the compliments I get, regarding what and how I write.
No, this is not 'private' by any means. I have a personal journal which accompanies me most everywhere, into which I compose my thoughts of the day. Very often the words written there make it to this Blog, but I don't share anything on here which isn't open to anybody or everybody to read. Indeed, the more readers, the merrier! I'm always pleased to hear that someone enjoyed something I'd written and I love that people are interested in my work and adventures.
It's one of the most important things that fuels me in what I do. I can be the greatest artist or writer, but if no one looks at my work and no one reads what I've written, then what does it amount to?
When I started this Blog I was quite hesitant about it. There are so many Blogs out there and so many people using Social Media for personal marketing that the idea of going this route intimidated me. Of course it was just another excuse not to do what I truly love. Another excuse why I couldn't be leading the life I wanted.
The trick to Blog writing is to be different. Yes, there are billions out there and there are some more prominent ones with large followings, but that doesn't mean they have mass appeal. Indeed, they may only have fifty or sixty followers, but each person counts and each person is someone who appreciates what they've found. For the Blogs I follow, I know it has nothing to do with how many other people read them. I follow them because I like the artists work or what the Blogger has to say. I appreciate their way of writing or what it is they're writing about.
I love that my Blog is interesting, as that is what I hope for it. I love going about my day, pondering what to write about next. Is it going to be a new London Journal entry? More about the music that inspires me? Have I completed a painting or project which I'm eager to share?
Today I'm just happy to write about how much I appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to read this. Whether you read every post or your drop in only occasionally, your interest is a great motivator.
So thank you.
And now...as I've just bought the stuff, I'm going to go play with Gouache. 
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