"How can that be so?" she said, eyebrow arched.
And yet it is. Here I am, sat and staring and trying to stick to my twelve entries in a month. In comparison to February, March seems to take forever to pass and yet, when it comes to getting my entries done, I feel there aren't enough days.

New business card design sample
It's not that nothing has been going on. Loads is going on. I booked a gallery space (Date to be announced in my april newsletter), worked on a new business card design, began preparing art descriptions, and have been plotting and planning marketing ideas and a potential re-build of my website.
But none of it feels particularly interesting to me. It's just stuff I gotta do to keep things moving so I'm doing it, getting on with it.
Like this blog entry being one towards my tally of twelve for the month. I gotta do it, even if I don't feel like I have anything in particular to write about at the moment.
Give it a day though, things are brewing.
I find it hard to actually come up with something interesting to post about on a regular schedule. Basically it's only when I have a burning urge to say something to post that I update, but sometimes by the time I get to writing, whatever idea I had for posting comes across as trite and uninspired.